WAG Webinars
We hold webinars for the membership at monthly intervals. Details for these are distributed by email to the membership distribution list and posted in the Google Group. If you have colleagues who would also like to attend that are not yet WAG members, please feel free to forward them the details you received.
Webinars are for the membership, presented by the membership. Fellow WebEOC Administrators present on topics related to use of the software for activations, exercises, or other planned events - not just code and board design.
Also, Juvare staff and leaders typically attend and provide us with their latest news as well as sneak peaks of enhancements and demos of new functionality.
We always need themes and presenters for upcoming webinars. Please give some thought about something you could share with the group, then contact us through the WAG distribution email with the subject and dates you are available.
Topics / Themes - Got an Idea for One or Want to Present?
The topics are not confined to simply WebEOC solutions, and the idea is that we have topics of interest to the “non geeks” amongst our membership.
In particular, we would also like to see us cover the following, but that is dependent on volun-teers to speak/present:
- New WebEOC installations and users
- Extending the “core” boards
- How “older” WebEOC installations are adapting and updating to responsive designs
- Non-Emergency Management uses for WebEOC
- WebEOC use in non-Governmental installations
- How do we prepare for the next pandemic?
- FEMA Lifelines—how do you implement them?
New in 2023!
In a bid to provide more of a framework for people to decide whether or not they can contribute to the webinars, we are going start out 2023 by providing a theme for each month.
If you have knowledge of the topic, or you have already developed a board to address all or part of it then please consider presenting or demonstrating during the appropriate session.
If you have an idea, just let us know and we will slot it in. The proposed topics so far for 2023 are as follows, but there is no need to wait until July to add a theme or topic.
- January — resource inventory
- February — rescheduled to April
- March — resource requesting and tasking
- April — ArcGIS, WebEOC and mapping
- May — feedback from the WebEOC conference
- June — daily use of WebEOC
- July — the year so far; discussion of what WAG has covered and what else we would like to cover
- August — WebEOC for the EOC and Incident Command
- September — where does Planning fit?