Developing a Cyber Response Annex
The Ukraine invasion has the world on high alert. While we may not worry so much about Russian tanks and artillery in this hemisphere, there is another weapon in their arsenal that is a realistic threat. If you’ve been reading my articles the past few issues of WAGging Tongues, you may already know where I’m heading. I’m talking cyber attacks...Is your agency prepared to face such a challenge? Do you have a Cyber Response Annex to your CEMP? If not, you’d better get cracking. Preparation is essential to a proper response and recovery. Your plan can be as basic, or complex, as need dictates. Its basic components are defined in six steps we’ll examine in this article.
by Valeri Kolessar (Monroe County, Florida)
Join WAG for the full article. For WAG Members, this article is on the Google Drive - featured in WAGging Tongues, March 2022, Volume 4, Issue 3