Training Desk References and Transitioning to Virtual Platform Delivery
Connecticut has partners utilizing our system from 169 municipalities, two tribal nations, state agencies, as well as a myriad of health, education, utility, and volunteer/aid organizations. We have no true county government structure remaining but are probably the size of one of your counties – Rhode Island, Delaware, and D.C., excluded. We do have a regionalized emergency management and homeland security coordinator structure for providing support to our partners. This article is one of a three-part series: Training Desk References and Transitioning to Virtual Platform Delivery, Setting up the Virtual Basic WebEOC Training Class, and Modules and Focus Areas for Basic WebEOC Training.
by Carla Iezzi (Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection)
Join WAG for the full article. For WAG Members, this article is on the Google Drive - featured in WAGging Tongues, August 2022, Volume 4, Issue 8